Lairs & Mutany ( Crime Stats, Odds, Mutual Support ) Who vs Who ( R*tards, Cops, Social Engineers, Math & Trust) Smarts & Curves ( 99 vs 1, Smart people on a Bell Curve ) All truhts are one self perpetuating truth. When a likey story overwhelmingly matches the pattern of statistics or phenominon ( overwhelming ammounts of statistical proof ) Who needs proof when you can frame people ( It would look like I was guilty, that's their goal ) In a room full of ideas, people are the deterministic medium. Waititng for evidence to expire that they never collected anyways No means no. Stop harrassing me, or I'll pop YOU, the long way. Be polite, Stick to your guns, Never run away ( police and self defense ) Tit for Tat, Move by move, Play by Play ( ass riders, the nerve it takes, learn by playing ) How to win at chess & The motive it takes to kill ( cornered without options, it takes a lot to chase somebody down like that [ correct or not ] ) Extortion ( Cornerd, Silent treatment, Explosive Yelling, The lesser of two evils ) I'm not the one afraid of an investigation. The five W's of journalism. They Havent told me anything. Nothing seems to have changed. Don't believe the voices in your head. ( Deception ) The striking routes god carves ( Emergent Phenominon, what we can see in total, statistic routes ) Once information starts to propagate, it can be hard to stop in its tracks, like covid a mass therapy may take quite some time Conflicting ways, while self-rightious, are subject to priority. 1,000 Punches ( subjective & objectve pain ) That much damage is not natural. Nobody does that much damage to themself, nor do they sit back and let that much damage happen. Two sides of a scale ( Cost subtract Solution, Numbers are not physically substantial ) How could those monsters leave somebody screaming in pain for so long ( Is that a joke to you? ) Just an fyi, Sex is otherwise known as a good time, The implication is a enough as is. High Risk? Low Dammage, Damage is Temporary ( should be low risk, 30 seconds of pain vs a lifetime ) B*mb on a light switch ( All I can do is guard it, cannot unplug, do not flip )