* Paper - Straight Edge - Protractors (90, 60, 45, 30 & 15 degrees) - Printer Paper ( 8.5 x 11 ) Inch - Cubes, Dice, Grids * Symbols & Standards - Currencies ( money types ) - 4x2 Grid Mesurment Unit Glyphs - FishBone Code ( written BrainFuck character set ) - Misc. Symbols Just to Keep and Use * Language - speaking in double - relational word mapping and brain hacking * Numbers and logic: - Dimentions & Nesting - Super Tasks - Base Numbers & Binary - Boolian Logic - Bitwise Encryption - Statistics and Deduction (Truths and Proofs) - Routing Algorythm (Bellman-Ford, Djiktra's) - Webs, Trees, Tables, Pies - Standard Computational Operations and Their Building Blocks (>,<,+,-,=,copy,move,length) - Storing and parsing data (Order & Structure) |-- Depth Coutners, L2R Data Typing |-- XML,JSON,CSV,KVP,Indexer - Math, Model, & Form - Serial, Stagnated & Paralell - Mass, Velocity, and Acceleration - Entitiy Handling (Indexer, Process, Handler) - Units ( Large vs Small, Rigid vs Indefinate ) - Geometry: |-- Lines ( Segments, Rays, Vetors, Lines ) |-- Retanges ( Left, Top, Width, Height ) |-- Triagles ( Types, SOHCAHTOA, Arcs & Angles) |-- Circles ( Center, Radius, Diameter, Pi, Tao ) |-- Points ( multi-dimentional coords [1D,2D,3D,4D,etc...] ) - Routines and Functions - Squences, and Ratios - Exponents and Logrythms - Determinism - Chaos Theory - The Scale of Space (km,AU,ly) - Time Delta, Keframes - Euler Transformations - Parralax *** please see bleach.txt for bleach ***