" converted BrainF*ck code to emulate python's raw_input routine " " 1's added to +'s because + sets the math type, " " and 1 drops the number " " # added to set math type during input " " you can remove the 1's and the # to " " get the Original BrainF*ck code " +1[-1[-1<[>]]#,[>+1>+1<<-1]>[<+1>-1]>> +1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1[<-1>-1]<[<<.>+1+1>[-1]]<] " delete the [enter] character at the end of the string bytes " <[-1] " traverse to one space before begining of string bytes " <[<] " print a [space] character then set adress to 0 and move forward to the beginging of the string bytes " $\ .#0 #9+1.#0 > " print string bytes " [.>]